It’s been a while.

Seems a very long time since I added anything here.

So physical update first.

I had my appointment with the Urology Consultant today. A very nice man!

He’s pretty happy with me and has said I only need to self catherterise once a day now. As I have my 3rd UTI since the op he has prescribed a daily low dose of antibiotics to hopefully prevent them from returning.

I hope anyone reading this after a Radical Hysterectomy gets hope that their bladder may well get back to ‘normal’ if it is currently playing up. There were times when I seriously thought I’d be needing a bag/catheter for the rest of my life. So massive PHEW! for that one.

Wound is now a scar. Took a while to heal properly, I’m sure due in no small part to my rotund belly!

I haven’t tried out my new vagina yet. I’m open to offers for help on that one! Sense of humour and a small penis a requisite !!

Emotionally I’m a bit all over the place. This apparently is very common. I’m going with it for now. I have had a initial appointment with a local Cancer counselling charity and hope to have more sessions soon. I can slag off all the people who were crap for me in the privacy of a counselling room and have a good cry too of course.

I only have 2 outstanding things to deal with now. I have been referred by my GP to a skin clinic to have a thing on my ankle looked at, I am not worried about this at all.

I also have my MRI on my spine On my first MRI a lesion was seen on my spine and needs investigating. All medical people are saying it is probably nothing to worry about. I have convinced myself I have spinal cancer. I’ve postponed it twice and have been told politely that they will not postpone it again.

I read another blog the other day and the blogger used the term ‘scanxiety’

I relate!

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